扶田資本關注食物科技龐大商機 後疫情趨勢加速創新應用
台灣首個餐飲科技創業加速器扶田資本(Foodland Ventures)第一屆Demo Day線上展演會上,由6支新創隊伍粉墨登場解說其提供的服務,也邀請數位國際創投專家進行爐邊對談,指出科技與創新的力量將在後疫情時代,顛覆傳統食物供應鏈的生產、配銷與消費模式,而這些趨勢正在加速進化中。
於 DIGITIMES 閱讀完整報導

Watch how these 6 Taiwanese food tech startups disrupt the food market during Covid-19: Foodland Ventures Demo Day
Foodland Ventures, Taiwan's first food tech focused accelerator and venture capitalist, host their first demo day on July 22. The demo day has invited global VCs to join including Sequoia India, Scrum Ventures, and SOSV, and showcase 6 food tech startups.
Read more on Meet Global

合體估值達 1 億美元,餐飲科技 VC「扶田資本」首次 Demo Day登場
扶田資本舉辦了全台首場以餐飲科技為題的新創 Demo Day,總共有 6 間飲食新創進行 Pitch 發表,此六家新創合計估值已經超過 1 億美金!
於 INSIDE 閱讀完整報導

TTA joined hands with Foodland Ventures, Taiwan’s only foodtech startup accelerator, to hold a TTA Corporate Partner Networking session
As part of TTA’s digital transformation initiative, Foodland Ventures co-hosted the TTA Corporate Partner Networking session featuring innovative food delivery to participant’s door and sharing of valuable experience by entrepreneurs who quickly turned crises into opportunities.
Read more on EE Times Asia

科技部TTA 攜手餐飲科技新創業者 助受疫情衝擊第一線產業
台灣科技新創基地(Taiwan Tech Arena,簡稱 TTA)於 7/2 日協同餐飲科技創投 Foodland Ventures 扶田資本共同主持「TTA 企業會員雙月(朋)交流會」與大家分享面對突如其來的市場巨變,快速轉化自身資源,將危機變成創新商機的寶貴經驗。
完整報導請見 東森新聞

扶田資本與新創團隊 Yo-Kai Express 共同發起 「24小時熱食不間斷」計畫,透過餐飲科技陪伴醫護一同抗疫!
完整報導請見 今周刊

Taiwanese cloud kitchen startup 3 SQUARE raises seed funding
Foodland Venture’s portfolio startup - 3 SQUARE, a digital foodhall network and virtual restaurant group, today announced that it has successfully raised an oversubscribed seed round of US$1.2 million.


從餐廳線上訂位、訂餐、點餐、現場候位、外送平台、POS 服務、電子集點、行動問卷、會員管理等,台灣也逐漸發展出適應在地經營及消費習慣的餐飲應用科技。